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This installment dated 3/11/02.
Random Monday link: Beegirl's Zeta Project Site Frankly, the layout is murder on a 28.8 modem and a 1024x768 screen. I waited for about five minutes and then told it to stop loading so I could get to the links. But there's some screencaps and if the site's owner drew all the pictures on the main page herself, she's very talented. The only vaguely decent page that came up on a Google search. Ground Wire (now offline) looks like a more sensible site, but less content. The official site might be accessed via this link (now offline). But one of the games won't work on a Mac. >_< At any rate, I enjoy "The Zeta Project," and was pleasantly surprised this Saturday to learn that it's actually returning to TV (I figured since I liked it it must've been canceled ^^;) March 23.
This is strip 10 of Arc 16-Job Trouble. (45 strips cumulative.)