(If any formatting is completely weird on this page, please e-mail me. I had to get a new HTML editor. :( )
Kirsten is an 18-inch tall girl from Sweden, who
grew up on the American frontier. She's been getting very spoiled lately.
"I have not!" Kirsten yelled. "I've been in this same dress since you bought it!"
"And you haven't changed Pegleg Sally's dress either," I said.
Kirsten grimaced. "It's hot out, so I thought I'd let her wear
the coolest dress. I'm not lazy!" And she made a face at me.
ANYWAY, Kirsten is spoiled, because she got ANOTHER present!

"Wow!" Kirsten said. "What a perfect size for a box!"

"Pegleg Sally, try to push me off!" Kirsten called.
Pegleg Sally didn't move.
"Come on!" Kirsten said. "Don't you want to play Queen of the Mountain?"

Pegleg Sally remained silent.
"Maybe you're right," Kirsten admitted. "We should probably open the box." And she did.
"Oh wow!" Kirsten said. "This must be from the craft swap!"
A craft swap is a very fun thing for dolls and people both.
People get given random names and then they make presents for that
person's doll, and send them on. Actually, it's a bit more fun
for the dolls than for the people, because the dolls don't have to do
any work. Julie_S is the Hostboard (now here) member who sent this craft to us!

Kirsten read the enclosed letter, skimming to what she considered the important parts. "...the larger wrapped package is for your lovely Kirsten--She called me lovely!" Kirsten beamed. But her expression fell somewhat when she conitinued on. "...and the smaller package is for mini Kit."

"That's me!" Mini Kit said cheerfully.
"Well, okay, get down here," Kirsten said.

Mini Kit and Kirsten looked at their beautifully-wrapped presents.

"It's tied with straw!" Kirsten said. "I wonder if Julie_S got it from her mattress."
The girls unwrapped...

"How pretty!" Kirsten said.
Soon, Mini Kit and Kirsten had tried out their new matching scarves and blankets.

"Those are pretty," Mini Nellie said shyly.
"Oh no!" Kirsten said. "You came here after the craft swap took place, so no one knew you existed!"
"Poor Mini Nellie!" Mini Kit added.
"I'm just happy to have a home," Mini Nellie said. "I don't need anything else."
But Kirsten and Mini Kit sprang into action.

"You can share my blanket," Kirsten said.
"No, you can share MY blanket!" Mini Kit insisted.
"I'm not cold," Mini Nellie protested, though the girls fought over her for quite a while.
Once Mini Nellie had finally gotten free from Mini Kit and Kirsten, Mini Kit found something else in the box.
"Look!" she said. "It's a nice place to relax after a long day running from Kirsten!"

"You're just reading that from Julie_S's letter," Kirsten complained.
"Well, you're just jealous," Mini Kit said. Then she scooted over. "Mini Nellie!" she called.

"Plenty of room for the both of us!" Mini Kit said.
"It's so cozy!" Mini Nellie added happily.
"Hmph," Kirsten said.

"I like my new handkerchief better than your chair anyway," Kirsten said.
"I didn't see a handkerchief," Mini Nellie said.
Mini Kit cried out, "My blanket!!!"
"That's not very nice, Miss Kirsten," Mini Nellie said.

They fought a little, but all the girls got together to say, "Thank you for the presents, Julie_S!"
(And actually, to this day, Mini Kit and Nellie are sitting on their chair, which has been moved to my lamp table. :D )
On to 6.16.06
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