A World Without Shoelaces
The Comic (sample)
Promotional Art
Guest art
I've got several pages
of this online; I'm pretty sure I'll DRAW more, but not entirely
sure I'll put them online. I was thinking of putting this out
myself in zine format; we'll see what happens. I actually put
effort into the ART of this manga; the plot has been rolling
around in my head for a long time.
New Stuff:
Guest art! 1.14.02
I'm working on plans for this manga now--if you're
interested in seeing them (they're horribly sketchy; trust me
on this--you probably won't even be able to decipher them...)
e-mail me and I'll consider
letting you see some of the plans, assuming you're willing to
give me feedback on plot, etc. I'm trying to make this a GOOD
And if you're really really bored, check out http://www.bugjuice.com/mysteries/discography.html
; the site has real audio samples of stuff by the Mysteries of
Life, including one for the song "Kira's Coming Over,"
which is where Kira got her name. In fact, their whole album
"Keep a Secret" kind of fits the mood of this manga,
I thought...(I'd love to make it the soundtrack for this manga,
but something tells me RCA would not like that too much.) If
you like the samples on the webpage, I highly reccomend buying
at least the Mysteries of Life's RCA albums. They're VERY good;
these guys are probably my favorite band. (I just hope they haven't
broken up; last I heard, they were leaving RCA ^^;;;)
A World Without Shoelaces and all related characters,
storylines, and art copyright Julie Bihn 1998-1999