Information from the artist
Dream Love by Julie Bihn
Dream Love by Julie Bihn
Note: If you have trouble viewing the panels, click
on them, and it'll link to the large original scanned panels,
so you'll be able to read them better.
By the way, this work has been MiSTed (with my permission,
thankfully! ^_^) by Jen White--it can be found at
More worth reading than the original...
Even more surprising--the MiST was nominated for an
award! A GOOD award! A POSITIVE award!
"Best of the Worst Fanfic:Awarded to a mistied
work that actually is a decent story, overall, save for enough
little details to still make it a quality piece for misting.
That's not too bad, considering every time I so much
as glance at this 'manga,' I feel ill...^_^; Anyway, if there's
ANYTHING right with the world, I won't win the award (and I've
only read one of the ones I was up against! But it's a good one...).
But it's nice to be nominated. ^_^
Oh, yeah, all art, stories, and characters of Dream
Love copyright Julie Bihn, 1998. Fan art is fine, but don't steal
my ideas, stories, or characters. Thanks! This comic completed
February 25, 1998.
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